Yoga Mat Phụ nữ Thể Một văn phòng nhà gắn liền với thảm tập thể dục phòng ngủ silicone mat đệm duy nhất.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-613903500602
151,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
(Peach powder four shares upgrade) into the autumn not tuen meat.
(Fresh blue four-share upgrade) into the autumn not to canton meat.
(Glamorous purple four shares upgrade) into the autumn not tunmeat.
(Pull and shape package combination) fresh blue four.
(Pull and shape package combination) charm purple four.
(Pull and shape package combination) peach powder four.
Tham khảo chiều cao.:
10mm (beginner)
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Other other.
Age applicable. 3 months.
Fabric. See description.
Gender applies. Children.
Color classification. (Peach powder four-share upgrade) into the autumn not tuen meat (fresh blue four-share upgrade) into the autumn not tuen meat (charm purple four shares upgrade) into the autumn not tuen meat (pull practice and shape package combination) fresh blue four (pull practice and shape package combination) charm purple four (pull practice and shape package combination) peach powder four.
Fillings. Grey duck velvet.
The no. 80509667。
Refer to height. 10mm (beginner)
Velvet content. 65%
