Xiao Yin sinh viên 2018 áo khoác mùa thu áo khoác thời trang net áo đỏ cậu bé áo.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-590242498698
2,187,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
334 grays.
334 reds.
Tham khảo chiều cao.:
17 yards (recommended height of about 145)
11 yards (recommended height of about 120)
Model stries 7 yards (recommended height of around 100)
13 yards (recommended height of about 130)
15 yards (recommended height of about 140)
9 yards (recommended height of about 110)
Phân loại màu.:
334 grays.
334 reds.
Tham khảo chiều cao.:
17 yards (recommended height of about 145)
11 yards (recommended height of about 120)
Model stries 7 yards (recommended height of around 100)
13 yards (recommended height of about 130)
15 yards (recommended height of about 140)
9 yards (recommended height of about 110)
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Other other.
Age applicable. 3 months.
Fabric. Blended.
Collar type. Collar.
Gender applies. Man.
The model is photographed. There are models on the real shoot.
The door is open. Zipshirt.
Whether to wear a hat. No.
Color classification. 334 grey 334 red.
Refer to height. 17 yards (recommended height 145 or so) 11 yards (recommended height of about 120) model try to wear 7 yards (recommended height of about 100) 13 yards (recommended height 130 or so) 15 yards (recommended height 140 or so) 9 yards (recommended height of about 110)
Season. Spring.
Thickness. Conventional.
Xiao Yin sinh viên 2018 áo khoác mùa thu áo khoác thời trang net áo đỏ cậu bé áo.
Xiao Yin sinh viên 2018 áo khoác mùa thu áo khoác thời trang net áo đỏ cậu bé áo.
Xiao Yin sinh viên 2018 áo khoác mùa thu áo khoác thời trang net áo đỏ cậu bé áo.
