Winter ngụy trang dày bông quần đàn ông mặc kho lạnh cộng với nhung trong tuổi già lỏng quần cotton việc bảo hộ lao động ấm lạnh bằng chứng.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-604118654071
344,000 đ
Kích thước.:
180 waist 2 feet 3-2 feet 5 (30-32)
185 Waist 2 ft 6-2 8 (33-35)
190 Waist 2 ft 9-3 1 (36-38)
195 Waist 3-foot 2-3 4 (39-41)
Phân loại màu.:
Jungle camouflage thick cotton pants.
Air blue camouflage plus thick cotton pants.
Desert camouflage thick cotton pants.
Sharp knife camouflage thick cotton pants.
Jungle thick plus velvet cotton pants.
Desert thick velvet cotton pants.
Sharp knife plus thick plus velvet cotton pants.
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Hongtong Xin.
Material. Polyester.
Polyester content. more than 95%.
Size. 180 waist 2 ft 3-2 5 (30-32) 185 waist 2 feet 6-2 feet 8 (33-35) 190 waist 2-3 feet 1 (36-38) 195 waist size 3-3 ft 4 (39-41)
Pattern. Camouflage.
Color classification. Jungle camouflage thick cotton pants empty blue camouflage thick cotton pants desert camouflage thick cotton pants sharp knife camouflage thick cotton pants camouflage thick cotton pants jungle thickened plusvelvet cotton pants desert thickened plusvelvet cotton pants sharp knife plus thick plus-velvet cotton pants sharp knife plus thick plus velvet cotton pants.
Fillings. Needle cotton.
The no. A-1156.
Segmentation style. The army brigade.
Basic style. Other.
The applicable scenario. Work.
Clothing style details. The line of arrest.
The object that applies. Middle.
The length of the trousers. Trousers.
Material composition. Polyester 100%
