Suit Suit Thickenkids trai mùa đông trẻ em 2019 mới Dày edifle trẻ em phù hợp với nam giới.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-617151860884
572,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
Add velvet coffee color.
Velvet clip cotton dark blue.
Add velvet to cotton coffee.
Velvet dark blue.
Velvet black and white.
Velvet blue.
The velvet plaid hides blue.
Tham khảo chiều cao.:
It is recommended to be 70cm tall.
It is recommended height of 80CM.
It is recommended height of 90CM.
11? It is recommended height 100CM.
13. It is recommended height 105CM.
It is recommended to be 110cm tall.
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Other other.
Age applicable. 3 months.
Color classification. Plus-velvet coffee plus velvet chuck dark blue plus velvet tinted cotton coffee color plus velvet dark black and white plus-velvet blue plus velvet plaid hide blue.
Refer to height. 5 recommended height 70cm7, recommended height 80CM9, recommended height 90CM11, recommended height 100CM13, recommended height 105CM15, recommended height 110cm.
Suit Suit Thickenkids trai mùa đông trẻ em 2019 mới Dày edifle trẻ em phù hợp với nam giới.
