Mens bộ quần áo siêu mỏng cỡ lớn quần áo mùa thu mùa thu quần l-nhân dân tệ vào mùa xuân và mùa thu cộng với mens mỡ ấm bông áo len chất béo.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-616606274371
390,000 đ
Kích thước.:
2XL (150-170 kg)
6XL (260-300 kg)
4XL (200-230 kg)
XL (120-150 kg)
3XL (170-200 kg)
7XL (300-350 kg)
L (100-120 kg)
5XL (230-260 kg)
Phân loại màu.:
Black cotton round collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Light gray cotton round collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Purple Round-Neck-Thin-Skinned Mordale
Black cotton V-collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Dark grey cotton round collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Iron Grey V Collar Thin Edder
Light gray cotton V-collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Grey round-necked Modale
White V-Neck Thin Modale
Group purchase contact customer service . . .
Purple V Collar Thin Edder
Dark grey cotton V-collar thicker than a normal autumn coat
Tibetan cyan round-necked Modale
Red Round Neck-Thin Ederle
Black Round-Neck-Thin-Skinned Mordale
Pure black V-neck-thin-skinned Mordale
Pure white round-necked Modale
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Other other.
Function. Warm.
Material. Cotton.
Size. 2XL (150-170 kg) s6XL (260-300 kg) s 4XL (200-230 kg) sXL (120-150 kg) s 3XL (170-200 kg) s7XL (300-350 kg) s l (100-120 kg) s 5 (230-230-260)
Fabric. Modal.
Pattern. Solid color.
Style. Simple.
Gender applies. Man.
Color classification. Black cotton round collar thicker than the general autumn coat , light gray cotton round collar thicker than the general autumn coat , purple round collar thin- Andralle , black cotton V-collar thicker than the general autumn coat , dark gray cotton round collar thicker than the general autumn coat , iron gray V collar thin- Modale , light gray cotton cotton V collar thicker than the general autumn coat s brisk meddal.white V-neck thin-money Mordale s/he/r Round-necked Modale s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/he s/
Gram heavy. 250g (inclusive) - 300g (not included)
the number of the paragraph. Mordale-010.
Ingredient content. more than 95%.
Whether to patch. No patch.
Whether to add velvet. No velvet.
Long sleeves. Sleeveless.
The number of layers. Single-layer.
Thickness. Thin.
Clothing style details. One piece.
The object that applies. Youth.
Mens bộ quần áo siêu mỏng cỡ lớn quần áo mùa thu mùa thu quần l-nhân dân tệ vào mùa xuân và mùa thu cộng với mens mỡ ấm bông áo len chất béo.
