ER2834 Transformer lõi cộng Skeleton ngang 6-6 Foot ER28.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-536560726900
56,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
Skeleton and core matching.
ER2834 fixture 10mm winding hole.
ER2834 fixture 12mm winding hole.
21.5mm yellow tape wrap skeleton.
0.1-0.8mm lacquered copper wire.
0.9-1.6mm lacquered copper wire.
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Color classification. Skeleton core skeleton and core matching ER2834 fixture 10mm winding hole ER2834 fixture 12mm winding hole 21.5mm yellow tape package skeleton 0.1-0.8mm lacquer wrapped copper wire 0.9-1.6mm paint wrapped copper wire.
ER2834 Transformer lõi cộng Skeleton ngang 6-6 Foot ER28.
ER2834 Transformer lõi cộng Skeleton ngang 6-6 Foot ER28.
ER2834 Transformer lõi cộng Skeleton ngang 6-6 Foot ER28.
ER2834 Transformer lõi cộng Skeleton ngang 6-6 Foot ER28.
