Dòng rãnh x trệt lắp ráp nhà dòng rãnh bảo vệ rãnh nhỏ móng tay-miễn phí cáp rãnh cài đặt rõ ràng dòng mạng mới.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-610401112537
176,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
Specification size and number of lines placed (this item) RY.
Number 3 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) KU.
Number 4 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) YX.
Number 5 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) UT.
Number 6 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) GW.
Number 8 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) SQ.
Number 10 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) TI.
Number 12 (bring your own back glue thickened to withstand stepping) FE.
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. other other.
Color classification. Size and number of lines (this item) RY3 (with back glue thickened to step) KU4 (with back glue thickened to step) YX5 (with back glue thickened to step) UT6 (with back glue thickened to step) UT6 (Bring your own back glue thickening resistance to step) GW8 (bring your own back glue thickening and stepping) SQ10 (bring your own back glue thickening and stepping) TI12 (bring your own back glue thickening and stepping) FE.
Dòng rãnh x trệt lắp ráp nhà dòng rãnh bảo vệ rãnh nhỏ móng tay-miễn phí cáp rãnh cài đặt rõ ràng dòng mạng mới.
