Childrens pantyhose Xuân Thu Summer Winter bé 7 trắng vớ nhảy 9 tuổi dính liền công chúa cô gái xà cạp.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-617749847005
242,000 đ
Tuổi áp dụng.:
S (height 80-100CM)
M (height 100-120CM)
L (height 120-130CM)
Phân loại màu.:
White and powder (2 packs)
White and black (2 packs)
White (2 packs)
Black (2 packs)
Pink (2 packs)
Powder and black (2 packs)
Ballet (pink) 1.
Ballet (black) 1.
Ballet (white) 1.
Cubs (pink 1)
Cubs (grey) 1.
Cubs (Tibetan) 1.
Choose any 2 contact customer service.
Cubs (white and Tibetan) 2.
Cubs (white and gray) 2.
Cubs (pink and wine) 2.
Cubs (pink and black) 2.
Cubs (pink and gray) 2.
Cubs (Grey and Tibetan)
Bunny Black (1 special)
Rabbit White (1 special)
Bunny Tibetan Green (1 special)
Bunny Rose Red (1 special)
Rabbit Wine Red (1 Special)
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Hengguan.
Age applicable. S (height 80-100CM) M (height 100-120CM) L (height 120-130CM)
Style. Princess.
Gender applies. Woman.
Color classification. White and powder (2 packs) white and black (2 packs) white (2 packs) black (2 packs) pink (2 packs) pink and black (2 packs) ballet (pink) 1 ballet (black) 1 ballet (white) 1 cub (pink 1) Cub (pink) Cubs (pink) 1 Cubs (Tibetan Green) 1 Any choice 2 contact customer service Bear (white and Tibetan green) 2 Cubs (white and gray) 2 Cubs (pink plus red) 2 Cubs (pink plus black) 2 Cubs (pink plus gray) 2 Cubs (pink and gray) 2 Cubs (grey and Tibetan green). ) Rabbit black (1 special price) rabbit white (1 special price) rabbit hidden green (1 special price) rabbit rose red (1 special price) rabbit wine red (1 special price)
The type of socks. Even pantyhose.
The no. 158514766173920。
Season. Spring.
Material composition. Cotton 100%
