Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.

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Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
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Số lượng:
Brand. Cotton Republic Cotton Republic.
Material. Other.
Size. M L XL XXL.
Style. Simple.
Waist type. Mid-waist.
Gender applies. Man.
Color classification. White, green, light flower ash, deep ash.
Fabrics are commonly known. Mordale fabric.
Time to market. Spring 2019.
Model number. 01122906。
Ingredient content. 81% (inclusive) - 95% (inclusive)
Style. Flat-angle pants.
The type of sales channel. Same model in the mall (online and offline sales)
The composition of the shin material. Mordale Fiber (Mordale) 95% Polyurethane Elastic Fiber (Spandex) 5%
Large body mass. Mordale Fiber (Mordale) 95% Polyurethane Elastic Fiber (Spandex) 5%
The number of bars. 2 articles.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
Bông Republic bông Republic Mordale Puppy in Mens Mid-eo phẳng góc Panties Set.
