Vui lòng nhập lại email đăng ký,
chúng tôi sẽ gửi cho bạn một liên kết để thay đổi mật khẩu.
Brand. | Other other. |
Age applicable. | 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old 6 years old. |
Fabric. | Other. |
Pattern. | Solid color. |
Style. | Other. |
Collar type. | T. |
Gender applies. | Neutral. |
The model is photographed. | There are no models on the real shoot. |
Whether to wear a hat. | No. |
Color classification. | Pink puppy light gray dog white puppy green puppy green puppy blue duckling green duckling green duckling white duckling green duckling white duckling green duckling duckling duckling duckling duckling lake blue duckling gray duckling orange baby dog purple baby dog purple duckling pink baby leter black duckling lake blue puppy green big duck black baby dog pink baby dog pink baby dog pink baby dog pink baby dog pink pineapple white pineapple blue pineapple blue pineapple. |
The no. | Lanzing Mordale vest. |
Refer to height. | 100-code recommendation 75-85CM110 code recommendation 85-95CM120 code recommendation 100-105CM130 code recommendation 110-115CM140 code recommendation 115-120 CM150 code recommendation 125-125CM160 code recommendation 130-135CM170 code recommendation 135-145CM180 code recommended 145-155CM size !!! Refer to the recommended height shoot! |
Season. | Summer. |
Style. | The type of work type. |
Safety level. | Class A. |