ALD18 Xuân OLA MIMI Dành riêng Original Boys and Girls Tốt đặc biệt sọc Vòng khâu Coat Wide.

MÃ SẢN PHẨM: TD-574804518125
297,000 đ
Phân loại màu.:
Personality vertical coat brand.
The full set of 98 pants is filmed separately to contact customer service brand.
Jacket Pants 2-piece set.
Personality pants.
Tham khảo chiều cao.:
Ghi chú

Số lượng:
Brand. Other other.
Age applicable. 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old 7 years old 8 years old 9 years old 11 years old 12 years old 13 years old 14 years old.
Fabric. Cotton blended fabric.
Pattern. Stripes.
Style. Korean version.
Gender applies. Neutral.
The model is photographed. There are models on the real shoot.
The door is open. Single-row buckle.
Color classification. Personality vertical coat set 98 pants alone beat contact customer service jacket pants 2 piecesets set personality pants inside.
The inner bile type. Cotton guts.
Refer to height. 90cm100cm1110cm120cm130cm140cm150cm.
Season. Spring.
Thickness. Conventional.
Safety level. Class B.
Material composition. Other 100%
ALD18 Xuân OLA MIMI Dành riêng Original Boys and Girls Tốt đặc biệt sọc Vòng khâu Coat Wide.
ALD18 Xuân OLA MIMI Dành riêng Original Boys and Girls Tốt đặc biệt sọc Vòng khâu Coat Wide.
ALD18 Xuân OLA MIMI Dành riêng Original Boys and Girls Tốt đặc biệt sọc Vòng khâu Coat Wide.
ALD18 Xuân OLA MIMI Dành riêng Original Boys and Girls Tốt đặc biệt sọc Vòng khâu Coat Wide.
